Tuition & Fees

Registration Fees

Each student will be charged a one-time per year fee which covers hardcover textbook rental, consumable textbooks, and insurance coverage. The fee is $210.00 per student and is non - refundable. However, if this fee is paid early, a discount will be given. 

Fees paid on or before 3rd Friday of May 

Discounted Rate 


Note: $50.00 discount given only if completed paperwork is turned in by the early registration date. 

After 3rd Friday of May 

Registration fees must be paid before child can attend school. 

Standard Rate 


No discount given after 3rd Friday of May. No discount given if paperwork is not completed by designated early registration date. 



Tuition will be paid in 10 monthly installments from August to May and billed through Blackbaud Tuition. A 5% discount will be applied to any account that is paid in full by the 1st Friday of August.

2024 - 2025 Tuition Rate 

Kindergarten - 8th Grade Student: $6,100.00 per year

Financial Assistance

Financial aid will be awarded on the basis of demonstrated need. A financial aid application can be requested by contacting our principal. 

At times our constituent churches provide additional student aid as well for church members. For information on tuition assistance, please contact the constituent church that you are a member of.

Our school is a participant in the Partnering for Eternity (PFE) Scholarship program. The goal of the program is for students and mentors to create intergenerational relationships and experience the blessing of service. In the process, students receive scholarship for their tuition and mentors receive the gift of friendship and ability to bestow their knowledge and skills on to a younger generation, hopefully making an impact for years to come. To learn more about this scholarship, contact us or visit

Additionally, our school is a provider in the Ohio Department of Education EdChoice Expansion Scholarship Program. Under this program, the state provides grants for tuition to families who meet certain eligibility criteria. These grants do not cover miscellaneous student expenses, which are the responsibility of the parents/guardians of students. Please contact us for further information about this scholarship.